Monday, February 18, 2013

RMFW's Fifth Timeline Banner

If you're on Facebook you've been "timelined," and we thought it would be fun to feature book covers from RMFW members as a banner.  But how?  So many amazingly talented members with an astonishing number of fabulous books to choose from!

In the end we thought a montage might work, and here's our fifth banner!

Now for some close up shots of this banner!

Once again I'm ready to fire up the Kindle or head on over to the bookstore.  How about you?

Have you found RMFW on Facebook?  If not, here's the link. And if you haven't yet joined RMFW, here's that link!  

Janet Fogg
Janet is the author of Soliloquy, an award-winning historical romance, and co-author of the military history best seller, Fogg in the Cockpit.


Patricia Stoltey said...

Janet, these banners are a perfect way to show off the talent of RMFW members. Gorgeous cover art and great stories are awfully good advertisement for an outstanding organization.

Unknown said...

What a great way to show what all RMFW's authors are doing. We are a creative and prolific group.

Michael said...

Janet & Dave, I really enjoy the banner's display of all the hard work by RMFW authors, and the creative spectrum of the covers. I can't wait to add one of my own in the near future. Stay tuned, friends.

ssas said...

Ah boo. Mine didn't make the cut.