Monday, December 17, 2012

RMFW's Third Timeline Banner

If you're on Facebook you've been "timelined," and we thought it would be fun to feature book covers from RMFW members as a banner.  But how?  So many amazingly talented members with an astonishing number of fabulous books to choose from!

In the end we thought a montage might work, and in September we shared the first cover banner and in October we shared the second. We said there would be more and here's our third banner!

Now for some close-up shots of this banner:

Once again I'm ready to fire up the Kindle or head on over to the bookstore.  How about you?

Have you found RMFW on Facebook?  If not, here's the link. And if you haven't yet joined RMFW, here's that link!  

Janet Fogg
Janet is the author of Soliloquy, an award-winning historical romance, and co-author of the military history best seller, Fogg in the Cockpit.


Anonymous said...

How exciting and encouraging to see so many published books! Go authors!

Patricia Stoltey said...

If someone is ever in doubt about the wisdom of joining RMFW, we should just show them these wonderful banners. Thanks, Janet. This is an excellent idea.