Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Let's do launch! TRAIL WINDS by Janet Fogg is now available!

Hey! Where's the champagne? On the counter next to the glasses? Okay then, let's pop the cork and launch Trail Winds, five etiological tales presented in this (very short) ebook.

From Splitwing, the first Red-winged blackbird, to HeCoYa, a massive gray coyote, in Trail Winds you'll find fanciful tales of how five natural phenomena came to be.

A recent 5 star review stated: "Heroic metaphors told in the language of conversant animals, reminding adults of how truly clear was the world when we were young. Suggest you share outloud with children at the campfire... just to hear them in the right air." ~ J. J. Wilson

If you enjoy book trailers...


Trail Winds is available from numerous online ebooksellers, including Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony, Smashwords, and others!
I hope you enjoy Trail Winds.
Thanks for stopping by!

~ Janet Fogg

Janet is the author of Soliloquy, an award-winning historical romance, and co-author of the military history best seller, Fogg in the Cockpit.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! So excited for you and boy, does this sound really good. Going to go check it out right now.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Me too. The cover art for each tale is beautiful.

Sisters of the Quill said...

If you wanted to do book trailers for a living alongside write, you certainly could, Janet... talent on loan from God. Karen