Saturday, December 4, 2010



Janet Fogg


Shannon Baker said...

I'm with Paisley on this one. I have so very few interesting things to say I'd rather put them in my next book than blabber them on a blog. My charaters are more fun than just plain ol' writer, me.
Fun post, Janet. Keep that World Burning.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Wouldn't it be fun if we could just hide in our little offices (or at Starbucks) and do nothing by write? Poor Paisley...she just doesn't get it.

Janet Fogg said...

Wait, is this the Shannon I think it is? I thought so! Sorry, not buying it. "Plain ol' writer!?" Ha! Though I do think there's a bit of Paisley in almost all of us...

Janet Fogg said...

You're right Patricia, it is so much fun when we can just block out the real world and write! Alas for Paisley, she has a lot to learn.